Wednesday, April 18, 2007

More materialistic than most

I heard an interesting thing on the radio today as I was driving to work. They said that the average American woman owns 10 pairs of shoes. 10 pairs???!!! Are you serious? "I probably wear more than 10 pairs of shoes in about 3 days" I was thinking as I listened to the statistic. When I came home I took a look at the kitchen floor. We have had a busy week, and I haven't had a chance to pick up much. I guess I must be more materialistic that most, because this has only been accumulating since Friday. Now to my defense, some of them are Patrick's, but seriously, if you have less than 10 pairs of shoes in your closet, please write me- I want to know who you are, and how you possibly survive like that! haha


Anonymous said...

I have 5 + a couple pairs of flip-flops. Total is under 10. I only wear 2 pairs of said shoes on a regular basis. Flip-flops will come into rotation as weather gets warmer, hiking boots are for just that, and the dress shoes you gave me (3 pairs) are very rarely used. I survive and my feet are happy.

The Seattle Smiths said...

Wow - I'm so not the fashion maven and I have a lot more than 10 pairs. And there are times that I still don't have the 'right' pair!

Hoban Family said...

I have 4 pairs of shoes, nice brown leather clogs, my tennis shoes, black dress shoes, brown dress shoes. Oh, I have some crocks but I don't wear them because they only fit when I am about 6 months pregnant. I think Jake has more shoes than I do. Bella has 7 pairs of shoes, can I count those since I bought them?

Nancy B said...

So let me ask you this- if you only have a few different pairs of shoes, what on earth do you guys wear with your tangerine summer dress? Or your snakeskin pattern skirt? Or your skinny jeans and silver top? Do you just wear the same shoes with all of those?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I think my tangerine dress looks great with my Nikes and socks, of course! As for my skinny jeans and snakeskin skirt, well, those go great with pink flip-flops!

Anonymous said...

Mom says...
I really went out on the limb this year and bought BLACK Rykas along with the delightful white ones. So now I have two pair of shoes...and yes, they go with everything quite nicely.

Nancy B said...

Are you all sure we're related???
Oh and guess who you both come to when you need to borrow shoes???!!! ME!

Anonymous said...

Yes, and we miss you for that.