Sunday, September 30, 2007

A little hometown vacation

After Patrick left on Wednesday, Sassy and I decided to come to Colorado for a few days. We have had such a nice time so far! We spent some time in Denver with Sarah, Jeremy, and Sadie and we also got to visit with Simon. We came to Pueblo on Friday and have had a great time visiting with Jackie, Fred, Mom, Dad, Ikey, Buck, Grandma, Grandpa and others. Now we are excited because we are going to get to go watch the Broncos! We don't get the games that often in Tennessee- so this will be a big highlight for us! When I get home to my own computer I will post some pictures of our trip. I just wanted to let everyone know that we are doing well and that Patrick got off to his destination alright. Thanks all for your thoughts and prayers!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The day is here

Dear Lord:
Give me the strength to say goodbye. Hold back the tear in my eye.
Cure my insomnia so that I may sleep alone. Give me a reason to awake when I've none.
Dear Lord:
Please help me pace myself. Allow me to turn to you for help,
And please let me be strong for him, Even if I've reached the brim.
Dear Lord:
Please make time go fast. I don't know how long I can last.
This is the hardest time of my life, But this is my job: the soldier's wife.
Dear Lord:
Let them all stay strong. Give them the will to go on,
And Lord, Please bring back all our men. In the name of our country. Amen.

~By Leanne Thomas~

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Promotion for Patrick

Patrick had to go before the board Thursday so he can be promoted to a Sergeant. They ask him lots of questions about the army and score him based on his answers. He did a really great job and now he will be promoted in the next few months! I am so proud of him, because it is very rare that someone can be promoted to a Sergeant as quickly as he has. He will be in charge of several people now in his unit. Hooray for my soldier!

Monday, September 17, 2007

The next great receiver

Little Sass is quite the football fan. Yesterday both her teams were playing- first the Titians, then the Broncos. She has jerseys for both teams, so she did a wardrobe change mid-day. She likes to play with her football on Sundays too- she is a great receiver, but she can't throw worth a darn.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Adventure Sassy

Yesterday we went on a nice bike ride an a trail that is near our house. Of course Sassy went with us in her little basket! She is quite the adventurous dog!

Well hello there

Hello everyone! Sorry we have been MIA for awhile- we have had a busy last month. I had be working a lot and Partick was really busy getting ready for deployment. We went on vacation in Vegas for a week and had a really great time (sorry I don't have pictures- I forgot the camera). Now we are just hanging out getting ready for our big life change that is coming in a week. Our main priority has been spending time with each other- and I know you all understand if we have been slow to blog, call, email, or write- since our focus is elsewhere. I hope this post finds everyone well!