Friday, June 15, 2007

Week in Review

Seems like it has been a busy week of nothing! I haven't posted at all this week, so here is our week in review:

Last Friday I slammed my hand in a door at work. It got all full of blood and I thought I might have done some serious damage. It is ok though, just really bruised. Then, on Sunday Patrick and I went hiking and I fell climbing up a hill and slid like 10 feet down on my stomach, scratching up my elbows and legs really bad. Pretty much I look like I have been hit by a truck.

Doug found a nice town house in Hendersonville, TN which is NE of Nashville. He moved in on Tuesday and seems to really like it.

Patrick had some great pictures taken for his Soldier of the Month award. They are the classic kind with him in front of the flag.

Sassy is doing fine after her surgery. She is just as energetic and naughty as ever! We love her!

Work is good- I am going to Vegas for a conference next week, so I have just been getting ready for that.

I think that's pretty much it. Hope you all had a good week too! I work all weekend, so I'm not sure if we will do anything post-worthy, but if we do, I will be sure to keep you updated!


Hoban Family said...

Wow Nancy-I am sorry you got hurt. Take it easy this weekend. Gianna wanted me to ask what your job title was? How fun going to Vegas, I went once for work too, good times. :) Take care of yourself and of your family!

Nancy B said...

My official title is Customer Experience Manager, but I am also the District Credit Champion, which is what I went to Vegas for.

Hoban Family said...

I want to be Champion of something, how does Anna Hoban, Domestic Champion sound?

Nancy B said...

Domestic Champion sounds pretty good to me!