Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Hilarious quote of the week

Joe Biden to ABC's Robin Roberts: I'm Humbled by Cheering, Spontaneous Crowds

In an interview last week,Vice President Joe Biden was asked the question "What Humbles You?" His response was as follows:

In a serious tone, Biden responded, "...Everywhere I go, crowds spontaneously assemble. They start to cheer, whether I go to a play on Broadway or I'm going home to Wilmington, Delaware. I walk on the train. People stand up and clap."

Umm... OK. I'm not really sure that's what "humble" means, but he is part of the Obama administration so he obviously knows all. 

Despite your political view, you have to admit this quote is hilarious. 

So I pose the question to you- What humbles you? 

Here's what humbles me:
Sunday was Nancy Appretiation Day and it really humbles me that I have my own holiday that is celebrated year after year. I am also so very humbled by the fact that all my family and friends take time out of their busy lives to call and tell me how much they appreciate and love me : )  

(If you are unaware of Nancy Appreciation Day, let me know and I will explain.)

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