Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday- not for the amature

Door Bustin' did you go?
Did you get up before dawn to ensure that you were at the opening of the stores so you could get the good delas? Many reports differ on the results of cusumer spending on this day after Thanksgiving. While many reports say that spending was up- there are more that say shoppers were "disintersted" and "disgruntled".
So what happened at the Nashville Banana Republic? Well, we did 30% over last year! Traffic didn't stop all day- but the staff handeled it well. Hopefully this trend will last all season.
Now, a popular misconception is that the Friday after Thanksgiving is the busiest sales day all year- well, let me clear that up. Black Friday is probably the most FRANTIC sales day of the year because of the door buster deals and the crazy early morning hours. The truth is- the Saturdays leading to Christmas are actually the days that all retailers bring in the most money. So- here's a tip: It is better to shop on Black Friday when the stores are fully stocked and running CRAZY good deals than to wait until the next weekend. I know, I know- Black Friday is over- sorry I didn't share this with you yesterday.

Here's a couple links if you would like to read some more about Black Friday:

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