Thursday, February 28, 2008

How I spent my morning

I sat on the freeway today for 2 hours and went 7 miles. You would think for an accident that had apparently happened 8 hours prior to this they might warn you not to get on the highway. Nope, just let all us poor fools back up and up and up. Traffic sucks, but at least I wasn't the one in the wreck.


Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how thankful I am that I wasn't in the car with you! I'm sure everyone else is thankful too.

Anonymous said...

Very funny Jackie.

Anonymous said...

Very funny Jackie.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry I wan't in the car with you. I could have told you jokes.


Nancy B said...

Oddly enough I didn't get the rage I normally do. I just kind of sat there and watched the minutes tick by.....

Dad said...

We did the same thing last Sunday. We took a drive up Mount Herman Road between Monument and Woodland park. We went as far as we could until the snow got too deep. On the way back we came upon a Chev. Tahoe off the side of the road with an Expedition hooked to it with a tow chain. The Expedition couldn't unhook because the Tahoe was pulling him down the side with him. So there we sat while we waited for a tow truck which never came. (It broke down on the way up) A Dodge showed up with a winch and 3 and 1/2 hours later we were on our way down again. We had more fun helping Fred and Jackie paint. When we finally got to I25 Gail asked me what we were going to do next Sunday. I was thinking maybe a root canal or we could help someone haul some hay.