Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Pretty Disturbing

Watching thousands of people walk by me at the show this last weekend, it made me pretty disturbed to see how many people in Tennessee are overweight. I would venture to guess that about 85-90% of the people that walked by were overweight and of that 85-90% I would guess that at least 60% of those people were severely obese. I was so disgusted at how fat America really has gotten! I was interested to see the actual statistics and TN is one of the top 5 in the country with 28% of adults that are obese. Coming from CO, which is one of the lowest rates of obesity, I guess I can see why I was pretty shocked at the difference here in TN. Made me just want to get on the treadmill. I don't ever want to be like that.


Anonymous said...

Forget the treadmill, come with me to work. I'll take you on a daily 15 mile walk, rain or shine.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't worry too much; you Harrington girls got the 'walking' gene from your Mom. But you've got to admit, Tennessee barbecued pork ribs are worth a couple extra miles. Remember; the bigger the gal, the more she needs Sassy Style.

Anonymous said...

ahhh, yes, job security for me.


Nancy B said...

Subsequently, most of these people were not well dressed either, so you would like to think that was job security for me too! But- just like so many don't care what they are eating, they don't care what they are wearing either... :(

Anonymous said...

You're right!! People in your profession probably look at ragged moms like me and think, ahhh, job security!
