Friday, March 13, 2009

I'm back baby!

So after some requests and a few demands, I've returned to my blog. (I know you all really have just been dying to know what Sassy has been wearing lately!) Before I being discussing the current state of the Baird's let me take a moment to catch you up... 
Since Patrick got home in November, life has been fun a blissful- yes, really! We have had such a nice time actually hanging out together that I can't believe how quickly the past 4 months have flown by. We went to Colorado for Christmas and Disney World for New Year's and had a wonderful time both trips. We went to a Titan's game, some concerts, a few day trips, and have generally been busy about town. The only complaint is that the weather has been really crappy here this winter, so we are both really ready for spring.
Patrick officially finished with the Army on March 4th and got a job working at the DoubleTree in downtown Nashville as a valet. He says it's pretty fun and it works for now. He has a few other job options for the summer so he'll find something interesting to do before he starts college in the fall. As for me, I have kept myself very busy with Belk and my business. I now work about 4 or 5 days at the store and do all their shows and speaking engagements. I fit in SavvyStyle clients on my days off, so I literally shop all day pretty much everyday with other people's money. Really? People pay me for this? Yes, I still don't get how I lucked into this line of work, but I'm not complaining!
Princess Sassy is doing very well. She has learned how to 'stay' in addition to 'sit', 'lay down' and 'roll over'. I'm currently working on trying to teach her how to fold laundry, but so far she has not added that to her bag of tricks. She is so happy that her daddy is home, so she spends most of her time following Patrick around. He spoils her more than I do (yes, its true) so it isn't any wonder. 

You're caught up now so blogging can commence! I noticed that Blogger added some fancy little bells and whistles since I was away, which is exciting. Who doesn't love a good poll? Neat. 
Thanks for not giving up on me- glad to be back. 


Life With the Hobans said...

I am so glad you are back!!

Anonymous said...

So how about those Sassy pictures? I'm thinking Higbee Colorado has got to be right up there in the the manliest category. And comment glad you are back to blogging. Makes the miles disappear and brings on the smiles.