Monday, March 30, 2009

Brain Teaser Tuesday

Alexander is a great circus performer, skilled in many things. He weighs exactly 199 pounds and is about to cross a bridge with a strict weight limit of 200 pounds. The problem is he is carrying three pieces of gold, each weighting 8 ounces. The gold puts him 8 ounces over the strict weight limit. What did Alexander do to cross the bridge safely with all three pieces of gold?

Answer to be posted on Friday.


Anonymous said...

He juggles them.

- Simon

Anonymous said...

He does an Obama impersonation and devalues them to 16 ounces and safely walks across.


Anonymous said...

He takes a massive poop to lose a few lbs first and then runs as fast as he can across the bridge to safety. EWW!!!

Kristin said...

Alexander is actually a female, so she gives birth to twins and is suddenly 30 pounds lighter.