Sunday, September 06, 2009

So what else have we been up to?

The end of the summer has been fun and busy. A few things have changed around the Baird house, so here's an update:

Patrick News: 
He started school at Austin Paey University on Aug. 17th. He is working on a Psychology degree, which he is hoping to turn into a career in the FBI or US Marshals. The school he is attending does 5 week terms, so it is fast, but intense. He will be done with the first session on Oct 7th, so he is already about half way through. So far, he has really enjoyed it and has done well on all his tests. 
Patrick also has a new job. His job landscaping was seasonal, so he is back to working as a valet. This time though, it is a way better gig. He is working at the Opryland Hotel, which is like Nashville's version of a Vegas casino. He just started this week and so far really likes it. 
He turned 23 on August 21st. We had a nice dinner out with friends and he got a new rifle (shotgun?) for his gift. It is some antique Russian war gun requiring lots of love and finishing work. He and his friend Adam both got one so they have been working on them together. 

We had our fourth anniversary on August 31st. Four years down and one to go as my mom would say....  : )

As for me, it's fall fashion time. I have 8 big events that I am working on for the store, which will keep me busy up until time to get ready for the holidays. Unfortunately, customers are already making me crazy, so my holiday retail ramblings might start a little early this year! 

I'm following up this post with a few others accompanied with pictures. Hope you all are enjoying the end of your summers too. Happy Labor Day.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So good that you are posting again. It is fun to read everyday and see what you two are doing. Good luck to Patrick on his studies and to you with the fashion shows. How about a holiday replay of the store door alarms and how customers go back and forth to see if it was them that set it off?