Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Jazz Festival

Doug and I went to the Franklin Jazz Festival on Sunday night. It was a small little festival with a main stage and a smaller stage in the beer tent. We took Sassy and she got quite a bit of attention from the other festival-goers. We decided that it would be a good idea to get Sassy a T-shirt made so I wouldn't have to answer so many questions- it would say: 
My name is Sassy. I am a Maltese-Pomeranian
I weigh 4lbs. Yes I am full grown. 
I'm almost two years old
Yes I know I am the cutest dog ever. Thank you. 
No, you can't buy me.  

I always like when people think she is cute, but after awhile I must admit that I tire of the same questions! 
Anyway, we met some nice people, heard some good music, and had a nice evening overall. 


Anonymous said...

Maybe we should all get t-shirts made answering all those mundane questions. Mine would read "No. I'm not as dumb as I look!"


Nancy B said...

Mine would say "Yes, I do bite!"

Life With the Hobans said...

Isabella's would say "No, I'm not a twin." Giuliana's would say "No, I am not a twin." Mine would say "No they are not twins."