Saturday, September 13, 2008

So Tell me About You

Doug turned me on to this awhile ago and I continue to be amazed by the accurateness of it. He and I were just discussing it today, and I remembered that I never shared it with you. If you want to know more about yourself, take a few minutes and take this test. You'll be amazed at how spot on it is. I was in INTJ- so tell me what were you? 

Briggs-Myers Personality Test


Anonymous said...


My suggested career path is LETTER CARRIER FOR THE USPS. This way I can be by myself all day and not bugged by others. Wow! I'm right on track.

Anonymous said...

Mine said I should work in a grocery store, specifically the cookie aisle (Oreos), the candy aisle (Hershey bars) and the bakery department. Hey! Guess where I am working tonight. You got it, the bakery!

Well, actually I haven't taken the test yet. I'm just guessing what the answer will be. I'll get back to you.