Saturday, July 05, 2008


I went golfing the other day and was having a lovely time right up until I was nailed with a drive ball from about 10yds away. I was standing on the green of hole #2 when a boy on the T box of hole #8 hit a horrible shot that somehow went right into my chest instead of down the fairway. I was totally in shock and thought my heart was going to stop. After a few minutes though, it was fine and I just have a wicked bruise to show for it. The guy felt so bad and apologized like 100 times. I told him it was fine, but suggested that perhaps he hit the driving range a little more often to practice his aim!


Anonymous said...

Aha! There it is. Your new line of fashions; Anti-Ballistic Golfwear for Her. And Kevlar Sun-Brims. Glad you survived the outing.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should stick to horse shoes.


Dean Baird said...

I had a non-theistic physics teacher in high school. Someone asked him if he golfed. "Golf? ...I'd just as soon go to church." And I'm pretty the phrase, "A good walk spoiled" refers to chasing that pesky white orb around an otherwise bucolic landscape.

But I understand that it seems to have caught on here and there.

Minigolf is as far as I ever got. But my mad skillz were enough to win money from your New York Uncle Bryce. He later punished me at Ping Pong (for free).