Monday, January 29, 2007

TAG! I'm it!

Anna Maria tagged me- which means I have to write 6 weird things about myself on my blog (Only 6? But there are so many...) Anyway here it is, the random things about me that you probably didn't know. I am supposed to "tag" 6 other people, but I don't know 6 people with blogs, so I can't do that. If you would like to write 6 things about yourself in the comment section that would be nice too.

1. I like a clean house, but I hate laundry. I will let it pile up for days and days until it has ended up strewn all over the room. It isn't necessarily the washing that is so bad, more the folding and putting away. I think this might be because I fold clothes all day at work, so when I come home I don't want to do it.

2. I never sing in the shower. Never ever. I don't understand why people do because it just amplifies the sound so much and makes your bad singing super loud. Not the best way to start off the day in my opinion.

3. I dislike talking on the phone. I can never hear very well (maybe from too many years of playing the drums) so I find myself guessing half the time what the other person is saying. I prefer to talk in person or communicate via email. This is probably why I am bad at returning phone calls.....

4. I love going to the grocery store and I can spend hours just going up and down the aisles looking at the stuff and thinking about what I can make with it. I take lots of time and read all the nutrition labels on pretty much everything I buy and compare them with the other things on the shelf before I make a decision. I like to go on my day off when I have plenty of time to shop. I don't like when I have to just run in for a quick couple of things because it makes me feel anxious that I haven't picked the right thing, or gotten everything that I need.

5. Patrick and I are thinking of getting a dog. I know, I know- you all thought I hated dogs right? Well, I still do- but, I think I might really like to have a little purse dog. Patrick and I both recently discovered that our stress levels are too high and we thought a pet might help. Also, it would be nice to have a little friend around if Patrick gets deployed again. We'll see.

6. I am a closet hypochondriac. I think every little cough, bump, or bruise means I am dying. In fact, today I am going to the Doctor to have my cholesterol checked because I got freaked out the other day that it might be too high (no reason, that's just me). Patrick thinks it's funny, but the bad thing is that if I really do ever get sick he is not going to believe me! Go to and you can take this funny test to see if you are one too!

Ok that's it. Hope you still love me!

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