Sunday, October 07, 2007

The city house

In order for me to not become a recluse out here in the country- Patrick and I thought it would be best if I got an apartment in Nashville during the week. Through God and Fate, it just happened that a good friend of mine was in search of a roommate! Nicole and I just moved in yesterday and I think it will be great. Antoher blessing is that my friend Mallory happens to live in the same apartments- one building over! Of course I still have the house in Pleasant View so I can get away to the country when I am tired of "city life". I figure when you are in a tough situation that can't be changed, all you can do is make the best of it- so that's what I am planning on doing with this year. Of course I would rather be home with Patrick, but I can't, so for now I am excited to be in a new place with my new friends! My only issue now is how to keep Sassy from barking too much so we don't get kicked out!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Perhaps Sassy just needs lots of new outfits to keep her happy.

Anonymous said...

You are a city mouse AND a country mouse. How cute! I didn't know you were thinking of doing that. The place looks really nice (that is the place, right? Not just a fancy picture that you liked!?) Sassy has a much bigger pool for her to play in now! Does she have a swimsuit?

Nancy B said...

Sassy does not have a swimsuit! maybe that is why she didn't like swimming before!