Sunday, October 14, 2007


Camera cord: Still lost
Apartment: Still no internet
House: Great place to catch up on blogg during the weekend!

Sassy: Still naughty, but I love her!
Patrick: Good, still in Kuwait
Me: Good too

I think that's it. Hope you all had a good week!


Carol said...

Dear Nancy,
Think of you often.
Hope you are settled in with your friend and hearing from Patrick.
I pray for Patrick daily and know God is watching over him.
Take good care of yourself and know that I am praying for you too.
Much love,
Grandma Ruth
P.S. email me at Carol's

Carol said...

10/15/07 8:15pm
Dear Nancy,
Think of you often.
Hope you are settled in with your friend and hearing form Patrick often.
I pray for him daily and know God is watching over him.
Take good care of yourself and know I am praying for you too.
Much love,
Grandma Ruth